Elisa Marquis
Move Forward from Emotional Pain, Loss and Trauma|
Evidence Base Programs | Holistic Services
EFT/Tapping | Grief Recovery
Supera Pérdidas Emocionales y Trauma, Programas Basado en Evidencia | Servicios Holísticos
Tapping/Técnica de Liberación Emocional
Tel: (817)789-8907

Elisa Marquis
Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®
Certified Life Coach | EFT/Tapping MP | Speaker
Elisa’s passion is to help people
who are experiencing
any kind of loss to find healing.
For you or someone you know, struggling with unresolved emotional issues, suffering from a broken heart, due to death, divorce, health, career, faith, PTSD, trauma, you are not alone. We know that the actions outlined in the Grief Recovery Program, will lead you to the completion of the pain caused by loss.
When do I begin to recover?
If you fall down, gashed your leg and blood was pouring out, would you immediately seek medical attention? The obvious answer is Yes.
If circumstances and events conspired to break your heart, would you
seek attention immediately, or would you allow yourself to bleed to death emotionally? Pick one!

The tragic death of her Sister and growing up in a home where her parents divorced, when she was of young age began the journey; where learning how to heal her broken heart needed to take place.
Elisa started looking for an effective way to help others recover from their pain. Trainings on High Crisis Mediation, Critical Incident Stress Management, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills, Life Coach paved the way.
Elisa Marquis became a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, when she found that The Grief Recovery Method®, has the correct tools to bring healing, including her own; she also obtained the Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Certification® through the Grief Recovery Institute®; and is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) Master Practitioner. The Grief Recovery Method® and EFT/Tapping, are Evidence- Based Practices.
Losing her Father, & Mother and Father in Law; was very emotional and devastating; thanks to the Grief Recovery Method, she has been able to move forward, away from the pain.
With Elisa's support, and through the Grief Recovery Method, many are able to experience healing in an honest, compassionate, and non-judgmental way.
Elisa has 20+ years of experience providing support to First Responders, Service Members and their Families, helping them through the process of healing from trauma and any of the over 43+ types of losses that anyone can suffer during their lifetime. She is active in her Church and the Community at large.
If you are looking forward to bring a positive impact for your business, work place, or organization; and would like for Elisa to be your Speaker, please contact her to make the appropriate arrangements.
Community Awareness/Life Skills webinars are available.
2-Day Personal Workshops - Moving Forward from Loss and Trauma.
Grief Recovery One-on-One and Groups.
Online One-on-One.
Helping Children Deal with Loss is available for Groups and One-on-One, Helping Children with Loss available One in One Online and in Group Online Format too! For Adult Caregivers (Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, Counselor, Nannies, Nurses, Doctors) can learn the correct tools to help Children who are dealing with any kind of loss.
Pet Loss Program available One-on-One and in Group Formats.
EFT/Tapping Sessions - Available Online One-on-One and for Groups - Is an evidence-based therapeutic method where tapping meridian points on the body, helps relieve symptoms of a negative experience or emotion.
Community Awareness/Life Skills webinars are available.
If you are tired of suffering and want a way to start healing; you are not alone, contact Elisa. Make the call, so you can start moving forward from the pain, and start living a happier, more fulfilling life.